Mount Tamborine Easter Convention Youth Program 2025
The Easter convention is a massive event lasting the entire Easter weekend and features keynote speakers, electives, wonderful times of congregational worship, and then fun including a bush dance, a bonfire, a slip-n-slide and loads more. It’s a brilliant weekend of Christian fellowship.
The team at MTCC has again asked OAC to assist by facilitating the Youth program during their annual Easter Convention. The youth (high school aged students) join with the adults for some of the main teaching sessions but then go out for their own sessions each day. This will be coordinated by OAC. The sessions will involve Bible based teaching, small group discussions, and of course, a healthy dose of fun. It will be a wonderful foundation building opportunity for the youth. Last year, many families shared how their teens were enriched by the program.

We need some Young Adult Leaders!
We need 12-20 Young Adults who will attend the convention but will give up some of the main sessions (approximately 2 hours each day) to support the youth program by acting as small group leaders and participate in some of the more up front aspects of the youth program. We will also ask the young adults to join the youth during some of the fun activities in the afternoons and evenings.
Young adult team members are required to register to attend the convention as attendees, but are given a discount for their help. Accommodation and meal packages range from $50 for camping self catered to $230 for dorm all inclusive for the 4 days of camp.
- Existing OAC volunteers can register via the team portal on Elvanto.
- New OAC volunteers can apply below!