Communicating the Gospel in Today's Australia

In 1971 approximately 33% of Australians attended a local church regularly 1, and around 86% of Australians considered themselves to be “Christians” 2. Today, less than 20% of Australians self-report as attending Church 3, and 43% identify themselves as “Christian” 4.
Apologist Ken Ham describes the difference we see in our generations as being like the difference between the God-fearing Jews who knew of Yahweh in Acts 2, and the unknowing Greeks in Acts 17.5 He argues that we now live in an Acts 17 world and need to speak a lot more like Paul in Acts 17 than Peter in Acts 2.
In the past the Australian culture included an general understanding of Christian concepts, values, and terminology which supported the communication of the Gospel. Today, not only are explicitly “Christian” language and concepts perceived negatively, but many of the foundational understandings of morality and reasoning are absent, make the mission to communicate the Gospel significantly different to how it once was.
Coming Soon - Study with OAC
In 2026, OAC is planning to launch the new College of Vocational Evangelism (COVE) as a vocational education program designed to equip today’s passionate Christians to be tomorrow’s equipped gospel workers.