OAC Ministries Australia


In our ministry, we’re more than just a team!

Volunteers are at the heart of our partnership. Our vision is to raise up 2000 volunteer evangelists by the year 2030. Together, we are building a team who step out in faith to reach this nation with the truth about Jesus and to equip his followers to do the same. We would love you to be a part of it.

We invite you to connect with OAC and join our team. Our volunteers are amazing people, serving in a range of roles, from the front lines to various supports.
Is God calling you to a locally based missions role as a vocational career? What group has He placed on your heart to reach with the gospel?

You can learn more about ways to volunteer by checking out the sections below:

Whether it's developing new skills or refining existing ones, we know that helping our people grow is one of the ways that we will fulfil the great commission.
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