OAC Ministries Australia


Partner with OAC

OAC Ministries relies on our partners for prayer and financial support. Partners are people like you who pray for and financially support an evangelist, our national services team or a special project.

Donations are meticulously managed to maximise gospel impact. Our ability to pursue new opportunities for sharing the Good News in various locations depends on the availability of resources.

Our Team
OAC Evangelists are missionaries who, along with our Support Staff, are financially supported by the generous giving of partners in the church.
There are plenty of projects which sit outside the standard operating budget of OAC. This includes the development of new tools, sponsoring camp attendees, and more.
You can support the ongoing work of OAC through a bequest or contribution in your will.

Offline giving and direct deposit instructions

For those who prefer to give via cheque or direct deposit, the instructions are available on this form. Please download it and return it to the address included.

staff team

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