OAC Ministries Australia

Rob and Gayle George

Bio: Rob George is the South Australian Director of our work. Previously he was the OAC International President and Australian National Director. Both Rob and his wife Gayle, have been involved in ministry for many years, Rob beginning with OAC as a volunteer in 1972. 

Rob has ministered in all Australian States and in many countries all over the world. Along with outreach to adults, Rob and Gayle’s ministry with children and youth includes the use of colourful sketch-board stories, movie clips, eye-catching magical illusions, and a range of engaging characters. Rob also teaches “Creative Communication” and “Creative Evangelism” seminars designed to help people share their faith and to teach more creatively. He is the author of a series of four booklets called “Tongue-Tied About the Gospel?” containing ideas and methods of sharing the Gospel.

Before joining OAC, the Georges were high school Physical Education teachers. They have four adult sons and nine delightful grandchildren.

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Rob and Gayle George

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