OAC Ministries Australia

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The resources we have grown through our lives that we don’t use or give away while living are given to others through our will.

Giving is an act of stewardship and a joyful blessing that can leave a legacy for many years of fruitful ministry to come. Jesus taught us to “store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” by investing back into His Kingdom some of the wealth God has blessed us with.

This is why OAC Ministries Australia welcomes Bequests and enduring Donations from individuals, foundations, trusts and corporations.You may want to provide for God’s work through OAC beyond your lifetime by making a bequest in your will.

Sometimes windfalls come our way from asset sales or inheritances or investments, and you might wish to make a large donation that goes on supporting the work of OAC beyond your lifetime.

If you like, you can specify the period over which our ministry will utilise your legacy. If you don’t specify a period for expending your gift, then the policy of OAC Ministries Australia is to allow our National Executive to decide on its use. The larger the sum, the more likely its use will be spread over time.

In recent years, bequests have helped OAC invest in new staff evangelists, apprentice evangelists, equipment for the ministry and resourcing our National Office to assist our evangelists in the field.


A suggested form of bequest would be:

I give and bequeath to OAC Ministries (Australia) Limited (ACN 000 275 829) of 9-11 Highview Road in the suburb of Doncaster Heights in the State of Victoria <specify amount or percentage of your Estate> to be paid, free of all probate and death duties and without creating any legal obligation. I express the wish that this bequest be used for the purpose of the <nominate specific area of ministry or general purpose> and I also declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other appropriate Officer for the time being of OAC Ministries (Australia) Limited shall be a complete discharge of my Executors for the sums of money paid in accordance with this bequest. 

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