Are you called to work in Christian outreach?
"Working with OAC has given me the chance to speak to hundreds of people about Jesus and to invest my energy equipping the church. I know that my efforts will have an eternal impact and I am grateful that God uses me for this work."

"My favourite thing about working with OAC is those moments in a gospel conversation when a person understands for the very first time. I also love the variety of things I get to do each week and the fact that it fits my lifestyle as a working mum of four energetic kids."

"I like working with OAC because of their dedication and focus on advancing the gospel in our local community. I also like the supportive community of staff and volunteers at OAC who have helped me to become a better evangelist and a more devoted follower of Jesus."

"I work with OAC because it gives me the opportunity to fulfil both the Great Commission ('Go') and the Great Commandment ('Love') as a vocation, and not just in my spare time. It is a valued partnership with faithful supporters who make this possible."

"I love working with OAC because of their beautiful and strong focus on the Gospel. They understand the importance of reaching out to the lost in our own backyard and how precious and life changing the Gospel truly is. They are willing to take action to spread the Good News and I have been inspired by this mission. I am immensely grateful that God has placed me to be of His service in this God glorifying team of brothers and sisters."

What does working with OAC look like?
- It can be full-time or part time depending on your circumstances.
- It can be involvement in the many different styles and formats of evangelistic ministry that OAC does in different regions.
- OAC has opportunities for both “Staff Evangelists” (experienced gospel workers) and for “Intern Evangelists” (ministry apprentices).
- We serve alongside the local church to support and equip them to reach their community more effectively.
- It’s being a part of an established national team who serve together and support each other’s local work.
Discerning the call to ministry is a challenging process and it’s worth considering carefully. Serving in gospel work is both incredibly challenging and unbelievably rewarding. We would love to chat with you further about what it looks like to serve in ministry with OAC.