OAC Ministries Australia

Study at The C.O.V.E.

The National Church Life Survey recently lamented that 4 percent of Australian Churches are closing each year, and very few new churches are being planted. But the solutions they suggested make the same mistakes churches have been making for the last five decades of decline. The mission of Jesus is clear, we are called to live out our faith and speak out loud the good news. So much of what happens in Australia is all about building rapport and relationships, which is great, but it rarely reaches that third step, revealing the gospel. 

We’re convinced that if Australia is to be reached with the gospel, we need both an equipped church, but also an army of evangelism specialists. These specialists are those who God has specifically called and gifted into living and speaking the good news about Jesus. 

In 2025, OAC is planning to launch The College of Vocational Evangelism (C.O.V.E.), a new vocational education program designed to equip today’s passionate Christians to be this generations community evangelists. Through a combination of study in the classroom and practical experience in the field, our graduates will be well placed to serve as outreach specialists in organisations like OAC and in churches around Australia and overseas. The program will be led by OAC’s experienced team who will provide skills gleaned from decades of focussed gospel work in Australia and in over 30 other countries around the world. 

More information will be released soon.

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