OAC Ministries Australia

Impact Stories

Finding the same people over and over

I had a wonderful and long chat to Anthony who had actually spoken to Andrew W only a few months ago and received a Gospel of John. He did have a new year’s resolution to read the Bible this year but hadn’t started. He hadn’t started the Gospel of John yet either but he was excited to chat about the gospel again. I was able to discuss fairly deeply with him the person of Jesus Christ as our only hope for eternity, but also the hope and joy a relationship with God brings us as we walk with Him in this life. I was able to share some personal testimonies with him as well as the surety of the Bible as the Word of God, that we can and should trust it. I discussed the change that God does in us when we are born again as he said he didn’t want to be a hypocrite. Anthony was very receptive to the whole discussion and his mind was blown a couple of times as we discussed the wonder of God, the Gospel and His Word. He gladly took another Gospel tract and was very grateful for the conversation and hoped he might bump into me again. He was a joy to talk to, God is definitely at work in this young man’s heart, please pray for him.

– Jason A (Volunteer)


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