National Team
There is a dedicated team of folks who keep this ministry running. Meet the team who serve in a less visible role than our evangelists to keep us out there sharing the gospel!

Jason Potter – National Director
Jason Potter is an experienced leader, author, pastor, and educator. Jason began his leadership journey at 17 when he was elected to the board of Belconnen Church of Christ in Canberra. He left Canberra at 19 to work with Fusion Australia in Tasmania, and began his first pastoral role at the age of 20 when appointed as the youth minister at Knoxfield Church of Christ in Melbourne.
Since then, he has pastored local churches, held national and international leadership roles in Christian ministry, and launched an innovative local church-based education model that is used by Bible Colleges around Australia.
Jason resides in Canberra with his lovely wife, Rachelle, and their four teenage children. He also barracks for Collingwood but asks you kindly not to hold that against him.

Shamina R – Executive Assistant to National Director & Project Coordinator
Shamina is a ministry worker with a passion for Christ, and has done beach and bush missions around Australia since her teenage years. She is a speaker at several camps for youth, and as a former tutor, has an interest in reaching students in particular. She is also a final year juris doctor student and enjoys doing art and writing with a biblical focus, when she is not doing ministry.

Carene L – National Administrator
Carene has been a part of the team since 2017 and is responsible for the accounts operations and overseeing the day to day administration. Her previous career was in the financial planning industry as a paraplanner, and prior to that managing a small team in the superannuation industry, systems testing and customer service. Carene is an active volunteer with her church in a woman’s care group as well as providing administrative support to her weekly Bible Study Fellowship women’s group. She adores small furry animals and has a pet guinea pig.

Grace Darby – Digital Communications Consultant
Grace is a consultant who serves OAC by providing her expertise in social media and digital production. By the Grace of God, God saved Grace at 19 when she was supposed to be evangelising to other people. She’s delightfully married and they look forward to raising their first to be an overly-equipped defender of the faith. She spends far too much time on social media and is awaiting an honorary degree on Christian meme culture.
James M – Digital Systems & Ministry Policies
James works in the background to keep all our digital systems functioning so that OAC can do the work of ministry. He also serves as a part of the team that helps to build effective policy structures for our ministry to flourish and remain compliant to legal requirements.