Impact Stories
A seeker hears the gospel for the first time

Paula is 18 years old and initially had a very bizzare afterlife theory about multiple dimensions, but freely admitted that she had no basis for those views at all! She had been raised Catholic in Spain and still wears that label, but had more gaps than knowledge about her beliefs. She shared that she definitely believes in God but had no basis for why she believes the Bible and thus hasn’t read much of it. I shared about fulfilled prophesy and why this proves the Bible’s divine origins and then asked her about what the Bible says about heaven and hell. She appealed to the idea that “small sins” are no big deal and that God would judge favourably on the basis of good works. I walked her through the commands to show the extent of our sin and then explained why God’s justice could not ignore our “small sins”. This left her without any hope but made it perfect for me to share how we find hope, not in ourselves but in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. She was completely awestruck by the message of grace. I stressed the necessity to respond and encouraged her to make sure that she was trusting in Jesus alone for her forgiveness. She gladly accepted a tract and gospel of John.