Volunteers are at the heart of what we do
In our ministry, we’re more than just a team – we are partners, and our volunteers are at the heart of our partnership. They are essential in defining who we are and what we stand for.
They are the ones who are on the ground, doing the work of gospel proclamation to people who might otherwise never hear the good news of Jesus. They’re also the ones who make things happen by serving in background roles. They cook at camps, organise mailouts, plan events, and so much more.
It’s fair to say that OAC would fail without our volunteers.
Why should you become a volunteer with OAC?
- Because being a volunteer allows you to serve God alongside like-minded Christians who want to reach people with the gospel.
- To grow in your ministry skills such as personal evangelism or teaching the gospel to kids.
- Because you’ll have fun while doing it!
There are so many opportunities to serve with OAC as a volunteer. Some of the roles are all year round, and other roles are seasonal.
OAC is currently looking for volunteers:
- Our street teams doing community evangelism in the public space, particularly in Brisbane and Melbourne, but also in other areas where we don’t yet have teams.
- Leaders on youth camps in Queensland and Victoria.
- Children’s holiday programs (missions) in Victoria.
- Seasonal schools ministry in Victoria and South Australia.
- To share about OAC’s ministry in local churches and encourage the ministry of Evangelism in their area.
"I like volunteering with OAC because I have an opportunity to share the Gospel in an established organization, that also works with local churches for the advancement of the Gospel."

"I like volunteering with OAC because I get the privilege of sharing God’s love and the gospel with children who may never have heard it before! I have been attending OAC programs since I was a child and have been volunteering with them for the past 8 years. Beach missions are a incredible opportunity and I would highly recommend to anyone to have a go."

"I love volunteering with OAC because it gets me out of my comfort zone and relying on the Spirit of God. It is a great opportunity to learn and grow in sharing the Gospel as well as being apart of a great and experienced team while doing it.
There's not much better than seeing someone grasp the truth of the Gospel for the first time."

"I like volunteering with OAC because I have a heart for young people and seeing them grow in their love for Jesus. Being taught how to properly defend your faith, and share it with others, is such an important skill, and I love how committed OAC is to developing this in young people."

"I like volunteering with OAC because they're a great organisation that have helped train, encourage and ultimately give many opportunities to share Christ. It's always a blessing working with, and having fellowship with Christians on team and I look forward to what lies ahead."

"I love volunteering with OAC because it provides a supported way to communicate the gospel to unbelievers. It offers one the ability to love those in the team and those we reach. It is fun and it is a joy to serve the Lord in this way."

"I like volunteering with OAC because they are passionate about the Gospel and are driven to disciple young men and women to be equipped to defend their faith and preach the good news of our hope of redemption in Christ. In my time with them in the Worldview camp, OAC worked hard to bring quality speakers and foster a health Christian environment for young people to grow in their faith and be challenged."

"I like volunteering with OAC because you get an incredible sense of working with the Church as a whole. OAC teams are made up of people from many different churches and backgrounds, so it is something special to see God unite us together in his work. It's wonderful to see how you can be a small part of God's bigger plan."
